Online Store SEO (10X Increase In Traffic!)

Below is a detailed case study about a client of ours in the E-commerce space that got great results in only just a few months working with us.


Monthly Organic Traffic





This site was getting almost no traffic, even though it was registered in late 2013. The owner had spent a good amount of time on this site and built out a significant amount of pages, however, it still wasn’t getting hardly ANY traffic.

The SEO Audit

The first thing we always do is audit the site to see if it has any major underlying issues.

This site had no penalties, it just never ranked page 1 for the target keywords. It also had no over-optimization, they just didn’t have many links.

Keyword Research

For keyword research, we always like to see what kinds of hidden potential a site might have that we can focus on for quick traffic gains.

Below is a graph of the number of keywords they rank for in the top 100 positions. You can see that they have a ton of potential!

Easy Wins Analysis

With our easy wins analysis, we look for keywords that are ranking somewhere in Google, but not in the top spots where the majority of the traffic is. If we can identify these, we can push them up and see quicker traffic gains.

For this site, we identified 1001 easy wins keywords, ranking mostly on page 2-3 with traffic between 10 – 9,400ms, with CPC between about .50 cents – $6.

This site had HUGE potential, but since the site wasn’t cracking page 1, it wasn’t getting much love.

Content Gap Analysis

With the content gap analysis, we look for competitor keywords that the site isn’t targeting yet, and this becomes the basis for our content creation.

For this site, we found 103 keywords volume between 150 – 2900 ms, with similar PPC costs to the easy wins.

We worked with the client to pick out high priorities and selected some keywords based on their industry trends knowledge (This is why we work WITH the customers to understand business goals).


Talk Strategy With An Expert

Get expert advice on the right strategy for your business! In our 30 minute strategy session we’ll dive into:

  • How SEO can work for your website and business

  • Which strategies will get the best ROI

  • Which packages are right for you

SEO Strategy & Execution

Here’s what our campaigns looked like:

Month 1:

  • 1 Guest Post – Exact match on easy wins

  • 1 Guest Post – Exact match (another kw) on another easy win

  • OmniFlow Foundations Medium – partial match, brand, naked anchors

  • OmniFlow Article 1 x 1000 word post – informational kw focus based on industry trends

Month 2 – Very Similar:

  • 1 Guest Post – money keyword variation

  • 1 Guest Post – money keyword variation

  • OmniFlow Foundations Medium – partial match, branded, naked anchors

  • OmniFlow Article 1 x 1000 word post – money keyword

Month 3 – Similar, but got more anchor text diversity:

  • 1 Guest Post – Branded

  • 1 Guest Post – Branded

  • OmniFlow Foundations Medium – Branded, URL, Partial match mix

  • OmniFlow Article 1 x 1000 – Content gap kw, high volume

SEO Results

Since this site had a decent amount of content already, and had so many opportunities for easy wins, we really focused on getting those easy wins up to page 1.

When we were able to do this – The traffic exploded:


This was only 3 months of work and this site has a ton more potential.

In the next 3 months, we’ll begin linking some high volume keywords that we used for content. This site is set up for domination in the niche!

If you’d like some help with your site (even if you’ve had a penalty or dropped in traffic), you might be interested in our OmniFlow Fully-Managed SEO program.

Ready to ace the SEO game?